Do you often have people advising you on finding your passion? A survey suggested that only 13% of people in the states are passionate about their work. Whether it is your professional career or personal life, you will often find others telling you to follow your passion.
However, your close ones will always encourage you to explore your passion and pursue it. They will tell you that once you work on your passion, you will enjoy doing what you do. However, it’s not always easy to put this into practice.
Before you start working on your passion, you need to explore what you are passionate about, and this is a lengthy process of trial and error. You will have to explore various paths before deciding what truly inspires and excites you. Here are some pieces of advice we would like to share with you that might help you on your journey to success.

What is Passion?
Passion is often misunderstood. Passion refers to anything you do with excitement or enthusiasm, and it’s something you enjoy or love doing. For some, passion could be traveling and painting; for others, it could be a successful career. Not every time your passion will align with the kind of work you do, or we might be misunderstood that it does. You might enjoy doing your job but not have a deep connection to it. Some may be driven by the challenges, but they could enjoy the success, thinking it to be passion.
You might perceive your work with discipline, excellence, learning, and perseverance, but those could be your core values. Aligning your career and life with these core values might hold great significance to your success.
What’s intriguing is following your passion for something that fuels your emotional and mental desire to do more. You can have a booming professional career with something that is not your passion and work on your passion in your personal life. It will take you time to differentiate the threads of passion that weave a hobby, to turn into a potential career option.

How to find your passion
Finding your passion is not a one-day job, it will have to be a step-by-step process that will help you uncover it and follow your dreams. Read On!
1. Create your own vision statement
Having your own vision statement means mapping your personal and professional goals. When you write down your visions, it helps you make important life decisions about your true passions in life.
2. Discover your values
Your personal values decide which path you will enjoy the most in your work and your life. They will help you determine what you value more in life.
3. Find your direction
You can find your real direction in life when you understand what drives your desire the most. A fulfilled life and enjoying every part of your journey will reveal if you are on the right path; it will help you uncover your true self, a life that gives you a purpose.

4. Make a list of your hobbies
Creating a list of your hobbies or things you enjoy will help you gain self-awareness, which will be an important step in your pursuit of finding your direction.
5. Write down things you don’t enjoy
Understanding what you don’t like is equally important, as this will give you clarity in your life. Evaluate your activities that you tend to avoid or delay doing, this helps you focus more on what you love.
6. Identify your strong points
Once you know what your strengths are and start using them to your benefit, you begin to achieve more and see more success in life.
7. Start journaling everything
When you journal your thoughts, that space becomes private, and you be truly honest with yourself. You will not have to face external judgment or criticism; this will serve t be a great tool in your path of personal development.
8. Get support from a coach
While you are on your journey, a coach can provide you with all the valuable lessons about life and work. They will keep you motivated and provide you with proper guidance, keeping you away from all the external and internal pressures you will face.
9. Connect with like-minded people
Surround yourself with people who share similar passions, and recognize people who have similar interests, principles, and confidence, this will keep you inspired, centered, and focused.
10. Make your passion your habit
Once you have found your passion, try to incorporate that in life by making it a habit. Spend whatever free time you have in your day working on your passion as a habit. You will have a purposeful life once you have introduced your passion to your daily routine.

11. Leave your job immediately, if you are convinced
Now that you have learned what your true passion is and you have incorporated that in life as a habit, take the next step. Once you are confident of your choice of following your passion as a career and have found a way to work on it, only then leave your job and embark on your journey to passion.