Proven Techniques To Inspire Employee Motivation

A leader’s motivational skills play an important role in the job performance of an employee, as sustaining employees who are top performers and consistent in their work has become challenging over the years. It is a leader’s job to identify an employee who needs encouragement and appreciation for a job well done, and failing to do so, the employee loses interest in the work, and eventually, their performance suffers. A leader’s prime objective is making an employee see an environment where he can enjoy his work and stay focused. There are various ways in which a leader can motivate an employee to raise their performance and increase their commitment to their work.

Being Flexible

When the pandemic hit, many employees left their jobs due to a lack of flexibility as they could not balance their work and personal life. When various organizations started considering work-from-home or hybrid jobs (Home and Office) arrangements normal, the performance of the employees saw an increase in their performances. Therefore, being flexible with job rules and timings can positively impact the performance of the employees. For this, the bosses have to build a trust-based relationship with them and empower them to take charge of their work.

Building Trust

A workplace where people communicate openly has seen employees doing great at their jobs. Trust in each other brings out the best of the employees, and they get more involved in the work assigned to them. When the employees lose trust in their employers or vice versa, the employees incline towards looking for better jobs where they are valued. A trust factor works as a positive motivation factor for people, and they more productive, they go through less stress, take lesser leaves, and work happily for their organizations.

Have Empathy

A good leader is someone who understands what his employees need and feel and uses empathy to keep them motivated. The pandemic has taught one thing to all organizations that when empathy is lacking, employees who otherwise are the best performers at their jobs are lost too. Empathy has become a vital skill to keep the companies operating and has seen how positive empathy has worked in bringing out the best in the employees over time.

Communication is The Key

Leaders who give importance to effective communication are more successful than the ones who avoid having open conversations with their employees. Ever since the work-from-home and hybrid working culture has risen, the communication has been become even more important. People who work in a remote setup need leaders who are good listeners and respond promptly to address the needs of their employees; they should be approachable and honest. When leaders are truthful about their shared tragets and objectives, they bring out the best productive side of their workers.

Interactive Feedback

A feedback session that is constructed well, always brings positive impacts on both the employee and employer. A workplace where feedback are not scary and intimidating, but interactive sessions are more fun to work in. Bosses who share a positive as well as negavite feedback, along with a plan that they can place in action, motivates employees to work better for themselves and the organization. When a boss shares a feedback, he should be ready for the same, this makes the conversation more transparent and effective. This approach of interactive feedback has become the new normal.

Effective Listening

We have discussed about building trust and interactive feedback sessions, but for them to be effective, the most important factor is active listening. Whether it is a team meeting, a training session, or an one-on-one interaction, if leaders aren’t actively listening, it creates a sense of disengagement among the employees. Leaders need to genuinely listen to the concerns of their employees and respond promptly, as they might provide an incorrect response to a concern that needed a different approach. When leaders listen carefully to their employees’ concerns, they demonstrate a sense of belonging and encourage them to work efficiently on their tasks.

Recognize Achievements

Recognition serves as a great motivator for employees who are giving their best of abilities to the organisations. Offering Incentives or rewards is an effective method to establish recognition, and praising such employees in front of their coworkers has positive impact, this encourages their peers as well to perform better. Psychology says, when you praise and acknowledge someones efforts, it encourages them to do a better job. Showing them they are valued and their work matters a lot and makes them more loyal towards the company.